Article name Text as an Open Structure
Authors Sergeev D.V.Candidate of Culturology, Associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation Acceleration of social changes and a rapid development of technological progress affected the theoretical concepts of the text. The text appears as an open, self-developing semantically non-identical structure, relatively autonomous from social and cultural reality. Scientists in the second half of the XXth and the beginning of the XXIst centuries (U. Eco, P. Ricoeur, D. McKenzie, V. P. Rudnev, F. Bon) explain the ability to generate new meaning of the text which is different from the author’s one. Some researchers dispute the existence of this text feature (M. Vernet). In text theories researchers turn their attention to the role of a publisher and an editor responsible for the choice among alternative variants of a text, and a reader capable of creative force to independently make their own text meaning and, thus, becoming a co-author. Openness is a feature of all cultural texts (for instance, functional transformation of location) but it becomes apparent in a modern socio-cultural reality where a pragmatic-semantical behavior, i. e. text perceptions, text attitudes and text treatment, is formed. In particular previouslyunclaimedversions of the text become actual andrelevant to a modern social and culturalsituation; the authors useopennessas an artistic effect.
Key words cultural text, open text, semantic non-identity, pragmatic-semantical behavior, modern society, cultural sense, text theory.
Article information
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