Article name Work with Literary Text as an Object of Management (Metaphor of Dorian Gray Picture )
Authors Galushko M.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The manage abilities of the students’ work with literature text are considered in the article. Diverse forms, methods and techniques of work with artistic text are the highest degree of skills and the main condition for managing development of professional competence of the future Foreign Literature teachers. Particular attention in their training should be given to the analysis and diverse work to explore the artistic text. Introduction in educational process management strategies can leverage the pedagogical, potential scientific interest and creative resource of students. In this article the author provides recommendations for studying Oscar Wilde novel “The Picture of Dorian Gray”. The complex symbolism and multifaceted nature of portrait allowed the author to outline the main stages of the novel teaching in high school. Metaphor of portrait of Dorian Gray is a complex philosophical and aesthetic solution within the artistic text and the result of deep understanding of human nature, the arts, the surrounding with its faces diversity and relationships. While discussing with students the image of Dorian’s portrait, the author suggests to create a model or diagram, which will show the connection between the characters and images of ancient heroes and those of the novel, reveals the inner world of the main character and its peculiarities. The educational material is studied from the standpoint of traditional literary analysis, management and teaching. The work is also based on the problem situations.
Key words management, work with literary text, Oscar Wilde, portrait-image of the picture, metaphor.
Article information
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