Article name Natural Sciences Teacher’s Training for Profile Secondary School in the Conditions of Modern Higher Education Institution
Authors Dubitskaya L.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation Due to the transition to a level system of staff straining it was necessary to develop new educational technologies taking into account the modern qualification requirements to the experts of various levels. During some last years, the integrated course “Natural sciences” was introduced into curricula of general secondary education, courses “The concepts of modern natural sciences” and “natural Science Picture of the world”– into educational programs of higher education, that will promote continuity between secondary school and Higher education institution. Thus it is considered that the experts obtaining integrated knowledge of natural scientific disciplines are capable to teach the course “Natural sciences” at the senior step of tutoring, and they are necessary for the modern profile school. However, practice shows that at the moment there are only attempts of inclusion of the course “Natural sciences” in the school list as there are no experts who would be taught at the pedagogical Higher Education Institutions to teach this subject. Advanced training courses also allow teachers of chemistry, physics and biology to be able to teach natural sciences, but it does not solve a problem of their full vocational training. Future teachers of the subject “Natural sciences” should have ideas about contents, forms of education, tools, and methods of studying of natural scientific training material. They should understand that there is an integration of the process of tutoring within new discipline when the material of different subjects falling to one object demands not only structuring, but also particular sequence of studying.
Key words integration, natural sciences, integrated lesson, inter-objects communications.
Article information
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Full articleNatural Sciences Teacher’s Training for Profile Secondary School in the Conditions of Modern Higher Education Institution