Article |
Article name |
Historical Retrospective of the Theory and Practice of Ethno-Regional Teacher Training |
Authors |
Miroshnichenko V.V.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
376.74 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article reveals the history of ethno-regional teacher training in Russia. The analysis of the requirements
for such training in pre-revolutionary Russia, the Soviet times and at the present stage of the development of higher
education is given. The meanings of such concepts as «ethno-pedagogical training», «ethno-psychological training
», «ethno-regional identity» and others are considered. The peculiarities of such training in different periods of
the development of the pedagogical education are revealed. The analysis of the variety of sources shows that the
ethno-regional teacher training is being carried out for a long time. A lot of scientists have turned to the practice
of folk education experience, taking into account the ethno-psychological characteristics of children. The content,
basic forms and methods of ethnoregional training within professional teacher training in Russia are analyzed.
The appeal to the ethno-regional teacher training in the history of Russian education is an essential component
of the comprehensive study of the problems of the modern higher education. Basedon the historical and pedagogical
analysis, it allows to identify the major theoretical-methodological approaches to create multicultural and multireligious
educational environment by taking into account folk traditions of all ethnic groups living in the region and
globalization trends.Determination of the specificity of certain theoretical propositions underlying in ethnoregional
training contributes to finding a potential adaptation of past experiences to current modern conditions.
Key words |
ethno-regional training, ethno-pedagogical training, ethno-psychological training, ethno-regional
identity. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Historical Retrospective of the Theory and Practice of Ethno-Regional Teacher Training |