Article name Research of Criteria of Training Process Effectiveness of Sportswomen with the Help of Bio-Impedance Analysis
Authors Komarova A.V.
Bibliographic description
UDK 796:004
Article type
Annotation The article reflects the concept of individual approach to sports training based on morfo-functional features, it is necessary to introduce new training regimes and the development of control methods based on the component body composition of athletes. Application of bio-impedance analyzer in the training process in the following aspects: functional state control, fitness, prevention of overtraining, rational correction of weight during the preparation for the competitions. Weight correction of athletes of all weight categories does not adversely affect the achievement of results. Careful body examination using impedance analyzer, which enables to determine the ratio of bone, fat, muscle athlete, and the amount of body fluids, is necessary. In addition, the paper compares the representatives of power and cyclic sports, girls, involved into fitness and non-sportsmen, provides data on the integral indicator of performance.
Key words training process, impedance analysis, phase angle, athletic preparedness.
Article information
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Full articleResearch of Criteria of Training Process Effectiveness of Sportswomen with the Help of Bio-Impedance Analysis