Article |
Article name |
Spatial Organization of Germ Line Hybrid Spring Wheat Derived from Varietal Biotypes |
Authors |
Illi I.E.Doctor of Biology, Professor sh-a-ff@mal.ruPolovinkina S.V.Candidate of Biology, Associate Professor Irgsha-npl@yandex.ruParigin V.V.Candidate of Biology, Researcher Irgsha-npl@yandex.ruKuznetsova E.N.Candidate of Bbiology, Associate Professor Irgsha-npl@yandex.ruTakalandze G.O.Candidate of Agriculture, Assistant Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
582.542 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The paper presents the development of characteristic anatomical extent of formation of the
embryos of hybrid lines derived from a cross between biotypes isolated from wheat. The prospects
of using biotypes in breeding. With ocular micrometer in the median longitudinal and transverse
sections of the embryo makes it necessary to measure the length and width of the tissue in the
embryo. The results showed that the parental couple had a rather similar picture to the criteria of
an ideal model of sorts. The resulting hybrid lines based eliminated biotypes of modern varieties
exceeded the parameters of their parent pairs in all respects. In this case, the maximum parameters
exceed the dimensions of the first embryonic root (16 %) and the epiblast (13 %).
The spatial organization of the nucleus growth of parental pairs (♀6/12 Х ♂4/15, ♀3/86 Х ♂ 5/29)
were similar to the degree of development and koleorizy epiblast and other structural elements, and hybrid
lines derived from biotypes superior parental pairs in the degree of development structural elements.
Thus, the results of our study showed that there are significant differences in the spatial
organization of the growth and development of the embryo obtained between our hybrid lines and four
pairs of parents. The resulting hybrid lines also indicates that the method of approach biotipicheskogo
scoring 5 times than crossing certain varieties and lines that can be used as a starting material in the
selection process.
Key words |
biotype, hybrid line, wheat, germ, physiological status. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Spatial Organization of Germ Line Hybrid Spring Wheat Derived from Varietal Biotypes |