Article |
Article name |
The Development of the Effective Methods of Natural Zeolites Bringing into Activated Ammonium Form |
Authors |
Dabizha O.N.Candidate of Chemistry, Associate Professor dabiga75@mail.ruKhatkova A.N. Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor alisa1965.65@mail.ruFilenko R.A.junior research assistant filrom@yandex.ruPateyuk T.P.Master’s Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
549.08 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Fields of application of natural zeolites in different industries can be expanded through
focused modification by various substances that allow them to improve the technological properties.
The this article discusses the conversion to ammonium klinoptilolitcontaining breed Kholinsk
deposits using various chemical modifications: thermal, ultrasonic and mechanical. Aim of the study
is to develop the most effective methods of modifying natural zeolites by ammonium nitrate to get
+-form with improved technological properties. By atomic emission spectroscopy, inductively
coupled plasma, infrared spectroscopy and thermal analysis conductometry investigated elemental
composition, structure, and thermal stability of certain physical properties (true density, moisture
absorbent, the degree of crystallinity) of the samples of natural and modified forms of the ammonium
zeolites. Changing the physical properties of modified samples, lowering of their silica modulus,
increasing of thermal stability, increasing of electrical conductivity of aqueous suspensions as result
of activation effects were discovered. Accumulation of structural defects in clinoptilolite–silanol
groups in mechanical and ultrasonic activation affects the electrical properties of the samples. The
increase of the structural disorder is reflected in the decreasing density of ammonium modified forms
of natural clinoptilolite. It was established that adsorption between components and reorganization
of zeolite water-cation subsystem takes place. We found and calculated that the best substitution
of cations and in the preparation of NH4
+-form clinoptilolite takes place using mechanical activation
than ultrasonic or heat. These results open perspectives for the application of mechanic-chemical
modification techniques on natural sorbents with aim to control their sorption and catalytic activity.
Key words |
zeolites, ammonium form, heat treatment, ultrasound, mechanical activation. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Development of the Effective Methods of Natural Zeolites Bringing into Activated Ammonium Form |