Article |
Article name |
Modern Approaches to the Language Personality Studying |
Authors |
Kabanovskaya E.Y.Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
81 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article is devoted to the study of modern aspects of research of the language personality.
The main approaches are considered. The comparative analysis of the main aspects
of studying of the language personality in modern linguistics and psycholinguistics is
carried out. On the basis of the theoretical analysis of researches the ethno-cultural aspect
of studying of the language personality as one of the priority is considered. The pilot study
of an ethno-cultural component of the language personality is conducted. From the point of
view of the author, studying of an ethno-cultural component of the language personality is
possible due to research of her language consciousness, studying of values and meanings
as basic components of language consciousness of the personality and defining ethnocultural
specifics of a language picture of the world of the personality. For the purpose of
studying of language consciousness of the personality in the ethno-cultural environment,
the method of free associations is used. The materials received in research formed a basis
for the comparative analysis of an image of language consciousness of the personality
in the Russian and Buryat cultures, the analysis of a kernel of language consciousness
of respondents, the analysis of structure of associative fields. Ethno-cultural features in
language consciousness of Russians and Buryats are defined and drill, their universal
and peculiar features are marked out. On the basis of results of theoretical and practical
researches I drew a conclusion on consideration of the language personality as carrier of
steady values and meanings, as ethno-semantic personality.
Key words |
language personality; speech personality; communicative personality; ethno-
cultural component of the language personality; language consciousness; personality’s
linguistic picture of the world. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Modern Approaches to the Language Personality Studying |