Article |
Article name |
Negative Interpersonal Relations in the Russian Folk Fairy Tales of Zabaikalye of the Last Third of the XX Century |
Authors |
Krayushkina E.Y.Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
398.21=82 (571.55) |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article discusses the negative interpersonal character of the Russian national fairy
tales. The material, used for the analysis, was selected: Zabaikalye texts recorded in the
last third of the twentieth century. The conclusions are made that the only forms two out
of ones of negative were interpersonal relationships in the tales of Transbaikalia implemented:
aggression (mostly) and hatred (to a lesser extent). Aggression is more productive
for the development of the plot, than hate. Hatred has delayed implementation, and while
aggression implemented faster. Aggressive behavior is attributed to negative and positive
characters, hatred characteristic of predominantly negative characters. Aggressive behavior
has two forms: verbal and physical. Verbal aggression is carried out through abuse,
ridicule, threats. As a rule, the verbal form of aggression has no response humiliated character.
Situation is somewhat different from the physical form of aggression: in a number of
scenes it has a response form, and is sure to reproduce it, and in essence the a defensive
reaction. Aggressive behavior in the most cases tends to male characters, both negative
and positive. It is more directed to the male characters, aggression towards female characters
associated with the restoration of justice (from the perspective of the hero, and from the position of his opponent) in one form or another (the punishment for violating the ban, self-protection, restoration of the rule of men in the family). Hatred necessarily realized through the aggression, and physical embodiment of it.
Key words |
Russian folk fairy tales, Transbaikalia, negative interpersonal, relationships. |
Article information |
References |
1. Russkie narodnye skazki Sibiri o bogatyryakh / sost. R. P. Matveeva. Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1979. 303 s.
2. Russkie narodnye skazki Sibiri o chudesnom kone / sost. R. P. Matveeva. Novosi-birsk: Nauka, 1984. 335 s.
3. Russkie skazki Zabaikal’ya / sost. V. P. Zinov’ev. Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. kn. izd-vo, 1983. 352 s.
4. Russkie skazki Zabaikal’ya / podgotovka tekstov, st. i komment. V. P. Zinov’eva. 2-e izd., dop. Irkutsk: Vost.-Sib. kn. izd-vo, 1989. 464 s.
5. Cheldyshova N. B. Shpargalka po sotsial’noi psikhologii. M.: Ekzamen, 2009. 47 s. |
Full article | Negative Interpersonal Relations in the Russian Folk Fairy Tales of Zabaikalye of the Last Third of the XX Century |