Article name Word Order as the Main Means of Spanish Utterance Communicative Organization
Authors Makarova E.N.Candidate of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 81’367.52
Article type
Annotation The article discusses means of communicative organization in Spanish utterance, namely Spanish word order as the marker of communicative structure components. The review of the Russian and foreign literature on the problem under discussion is done, including the overview of domestic dissertations fulfilled in the area of communicative syntax. Analysis of specific features of Spanish word order, which is characterized by relative freedom, is conducted; basic, marked and unmarked word order types in Spanish as well as the main function of Spanish word order are described. A detailed analysis of the subject and predicate positions in both, isolated and context-dependent unexpanded utterances is provided. It is revealed that the leading role in determining the subject and predicate position in context-independent examples belongs to the verbs’ semantics. As for the context- dependent utterances pragmatic factor overpowers semantic factor and makes it less meaningful than in isolated from the context cases.
Key words utterance communicative structure, free word order, marked/unmarked word order, unexpanded simple sentence.
Article information
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Full articleWord Order as the Main Means of Spanish Utterance Communicative Organization