Article name The War Concept in Modern Media Text: Representation of Traditional Models
Authors Erofeeva I.V.Doctor of Philology, associate professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 811 + 002. 703.0
Article type
Annotation The study provides linguoculturological analysis of the concept WAR in space of the media text. Urgency of the issue is presented in the context of mass communication psychology. The author characterizes the concept etymologically and indicates a close interconnection between war and peace in a binary position. Representation of the concept in dominating current Russian mass media includes the basic meanings of the national worldview on the war that are presented in both Russian classical literature and social and political journalism of the Great Patriotic War. Research findings show the meaning analogies and lexical parallels uniting the media texts of different epochs. The study analyzed more than 200 texts from the Russian newspapers and TV channels and revealed plurality and variability in objectivation of the conceptual sphere of WAR, it also presented the characteristic of the most prevalent key frames such as absurdity, game, theatre, illness, way, fear, and death. The constructs WOMAN and CHILD support energy capacity of the mass media text as well. Contrasting \"We – They\" is given in classical traditions of the Russian narrative. A key spiritual paradigm \"Fall and Rise\" in the Russian model of peace dominates in general media text. War and death are an anchoring point in stories about human life, numerous media heroes are assessed through their attitude to war within the bounds of which the fight between good and evil escalates and an urgent need to answer the meaning-forming questions arises.
Key words the WAR concept, media text, representation, values, national model of peace.
Article information
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