Article |
Article name |
Media Text of Business Newspaper as a Subject of the Restaurant Business Development |
Authors |
Teplyashina A.N.Doctor of Philology, Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
070.4 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Restaurant business is considered as a focal area of business journalism. Restaurant
criticism appears to the recipient as a set of media texts. Event basis of media texts is a
journalist’s visiting to the restaurant. The purpose of the visit is the professional critic of
specific cuisine, wine list, interior and catering atmosphere. In the restaurant critic minimized
the history of material culture of the country. Information about food is one of the
important components and volume information flow. An important aspect of the consumer
society becomes a gastronomic hedonism. Mass-information discourse is the discourse of
a particular type. This is a gastronomic discourse that is verbalized in different texts. Gastronomic
discourse verbalized in the texts of the restaurant strategies. These texts reflect
the specific business communications. The food is a good reason for communication. On
this basis, the vast paradigm of human perception of the world and of human activity was
built. Restaurant criticism is a marker of identity and self-identification of different catering
establishments. Journalists use this type of speech as a description. The description is
used to generate information about the services of a restaurant, which specializes in national
cuisine. Elements of the national cuisine are the other countries’ stereotypes.
Food plays an important role in the mass-information discourse. Food is an essential
tool for intercultural communication. Gastronomic discourse is extensive and multifaceted.
Gastronomic discourse is a sign system. In a sign system concentrated class and gender
characteristics, national identity, subjective attitude (taste), cultural capital. Journalistic
texts provide information about the national cuisine, especially its components, the process
of consumption, cooking. In addition to the restaurant,critic estimation emerges a clear picture
of the country, ranging from geographic and climatic conditions, ending with agriculture
and local traditions.
Key words |
media text, restaurant critic, frame, slot, discourse, communication unit,
national cuisine. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Media Text of Business Newspaper as a Subject of the Restaurant Business Development |