Article |
Article name |
Nature and Model of Temperature Waves’ Propagation in Kurumas |
Authors |
Zheleznyak I.I.Doctor of Technical Sciences, Senior Scientific Employee lgc255@mail.ruKholodovsky S.Y.Doctor of Physics and Mathematics |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
551.435.587 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The knowledge of the nature formation curumas and types of ice into it’s bodies are provided. Mathematical model of temperature waves propagation in kurumas under convective heat exchange is presented.
Key words |
boundary value problem of heat conduction, piecewise-homogeneous medium, kurums, temperature waves. |
Article information |
References |
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3. Zheleznjak I. I., Mal’chikova I. Ju., Shpoljanskaja N. A., Janushauskas A. I. Kurumy Severnogo Zabajkal’ja. Novosibirsk: Nauka (Sibirskoe otdelenie), 1992. 179 s.
4. Tihonov A. N., Samarskij A. A. Uravnenija matematicheskoj fiziki. M.: Nauka, 1977. 736 s. |
Full article | Nature and Model of Temperature Waves’ Propagation in Kurumas |