Article |
Article name |
Parameters of Intra Dipoles Solid Solutions with CsCl Structure |
Authors |
Kholodovsky V.Y.Candidate of Physics and Mathematics a-a-sidorov@yandex.ruKrayushkina E.Y.Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
534.1 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Van der Waals models are considered. Oscillation spectral decomposition of intra dipoles for compounds NiAl, FeAl and CuZn was obtained. The calculations of spectral averaged parameters were made. The graphs of the spectral density of the intra-square dipole for each class of atoms forming a crystal are built.
Key words |
crystal lattice, dynamical model, inter-atomic interaction, dipole, phonon spectrum, spectral density of the square shoulder intra-dipole. |
Article information |
References |
1. Kholodovskii V. Е., Krayushkina Е. Yu. Dispersionnye sootnosheniya dlya kristallov tverdykh rastvorov so strukturoi CsCl // Uchenye zapiski ZabGU. Ser. Fizika, matematika, tekhnika, tekhnologiya. 2013. № 3(50). S. 121-131.
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5. Kholodovskii V. E., Sidorov A. A. Potok energii i sila reaktsii na izluchenie vnutriatomnogo dipolya // Uchenye zapiski ZabGGPU. Ser. Fizika, matematika, tekhnika, tekhnologiya 2012. № 3. S. 141 144. |
Full article | Parameters of Intra Dipoles Solid Solutions with CsCl Structure |