Article name Partly Free: Doubleness of Post-soviet Entrepreneurship
Authors Wielecki K..University of Warsaw
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation The paper deals with the results of anthropological research realized in Krasnoyarsk and explored a social status of market seller as a driven profession. Empirical foundation of a quantitative analysis is interviews given by people who earn their lives by retailing at market. The findings and results of other researches about social and cultural situation in post-soviet and contemporary Russia gave the opportunity to make up some conclusions on partial liberty of commercial activity. Mainly the author reveals a particular double nature of post-soviet entrepreneurship that is a social space where various strategies could be fulfilled. In a post-soviet period retailing is a secondary activity combined with a main job. Compulsory character of retailing is determined by a long delay of main job salary, a low value of small business, social paternalism in soviet state. As capitalism develops in Russia an alternative positive attitude toward retailing as a driven profession founded on man’s free will choice emerges. However the researcher argues that free will is limited. In today’s Russia retailing that has entered into competition with big business mostly becomes an activity of immigrants from former soviet republics and pre-retirement aged women.
Key words social space, retailing, free will choice, social status of a profession, anthropology of professional activity.
Article information
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Full articlePartly Free: Doubleness of Post-soviet Entrepreneurship