Article name Method of Analysis of Visual Material as a Technique of Field Research
Authors Jawlowski A..Doctor of Sociology
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation The article deals with the analysis of visual methods and techniques of sociological and anthropological researches. The paper aims at theoretical analysis of scientific literature in English and Polish about conceptualization of visual techniques of cultural studies. The author argues that visual researches are mostly explorative, they are an intrinsic part of qualitative field research, their methodological issues are analyzed in field of methodological challenges common with ethnography as a part of social research. In this context the ethnography is regarded not as a separate anthropological science but as a paradigm of field sciences. Visual methods are frequently an instrument to emerge unknown before problem avenues. Usage of visual methods initially supposes to refuse theorizing that can directly be realized in field context where an anthropological description of assumed issue is outlined and terms for fixation of analysis result are forged. Visual methods are appropriate for a preliminary research, description of unknown cultural phenomena. The author argues that any visual object can be a potential data resource about analyzed culture. Principal challenges of object for visual research are variance, subjectivity and intentionality. The article deals with the description of methods and techniques of visual research, revealing of stages, succession and structure of research process.
Key words visual methods, sociological research, field research, qualitative methods, research process.
Article information
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Full articleMethod of Analysis of Visual Material as a Technique of Field Research