Article name On the Relationship Between Buddhism and Confucianism in the Period of its Development in China in the Wei (220–265 AD), Jin (265–410 AD), Northern and Southern Kingdoms Eras (420–589 AD)2. (Basedon the Works of Medieval Thinkers)
Authors Yangutov L.E.Doctor of Philosophy, Professor
Tsyrenov C.T.Candidate of History
Bibliographic description
UDK 1(031)+221
Article type
Annotation This article is about the problems of spreading buddhism in China, its relationship with Confucianism. It is shown that Confucianism was the main ideological opponent of Buddhism. This article describes the modification of the Chinese mentality, formed in the pre-Buddhist period of Chinese history, in fact, it was the era of building Confucian mentality. When Buddhism just came to China it was more about confucianism mind dominating over people.The main point of struggle of Confucians was about the soteriological doctrine of Buddhists, which was an entirely new phenomenon in their spiritual life. The main topic of soteriological discussions was the problem of spirit. Besides the Confucians could not accept the position of Buddhists towards the current place of the emperor. It reflects the social position of the Sangha( Buddhism), which had an independent status India. Buddhists were trying to keep this independent status but faced the problems in relations with officials who were keeping the principles of Confucianism. Therefore, the collision of the Sangha and Government, actually it was the direct clash of social positions of Buddhists and Confucians. Thearctile describes the epoch of Wei, two Jin, Northern and Southern dinasties which characterized by the cruel controversy between confucians and buddhists. Particular attention was paid to Mou-tzu “Lihuolun”, which was the first written evidence of the controversy between the Confucians and Taoists.In this work were marked all the main areas of future discussions between m deval Confucians and Buddhists.
Key words сonfucianism, soul, body, sangha, karma, filial piety, soteriology, rebirth, retribution.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Relationship Between Buddhism and Confucianism in the Period of its Development in China in the Wei (220–265 AD), Jin (265–410 AD), Northern and Southern Kingdoms Eras (420–589 AD)2. (Basedon the Works of Medieval Thinkers)