Article name Rationality in the Structure of Science
Authors Yartsev R.A.Candidate of Engineering Science, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 001.8
Article type
Annotation The problem of the rationality of science is considered and a solution is offered to divide scientific activity into cognition, seeking the truth, and organization establishing the necessary external conditions for cognition, consistent with the S. Toulmin’s approach. It is shown that science lacks strict rules standardizing the organizational activity, although many aspects of the latter are rationalized based on pragmatic factors not involved in the cognitive search for the truth. The rationalization is provided for the necessity to eliminate these factors often taken as non-cognitive professional standards of science in order to establish its rational cognitive methodology. Thus, to achieve this goal it is encouraged to consider the non-professional level of scientific knowledge, which is free from institutional regulatory requirements of the “big” science and is implicitly contained in the parascientific and everyday cognitive activities. It is shown that in accordance with the taken approach a rational method can be deduced, which has a value of universal norm of scientific knowledge: as follows from its content, this method is associated with the common sense, it is of hypothetico-deductive nature, and its application overcomes the disadvantages of the known standards of scientific rationality.
Key words knowledge, organization, method, science, rationality, truth, common sense.
Article information
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