Article name Icon Painting Senses of Collegiality in the Works of Modern Orthodox Artists
Authors Drobnaya E.V.Postgraduate Student
Bibliographic description
UDK 008
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the actual problem of the moral and spiritual succession of the Russian culture and to the representation of the orthodox icon painting spiritual senses in a modern art. The object of the article is to research the orthodox icon painting spiritual sense of collegiality in modern artist’s works. The research methods are including historical and philosophical method, culturological method and pneumatological method. Changes of the Russian social life are causing the interest to orthodox icon painting among the modern artists. Collegiality is one of the fundamental spiritual values of Russian culture, Russian religious philosophy and Russian axiology. Breaking of the religious tradition for several generations of Russian people called for the adaptation of the icon spiritual senses in contemporary cultural texts. The works of A. Tsygankov, Yu. Popov, K. Kiselyov, P. Rizhenko are the base of the exploring a link between modern artists creation and ichnographic traditions. The main icon painting senses of collegiality are Christocentric of cultural text, reflection of the heavenly world archetype in the mundane world, integration of heavenly and mundane world by the Holy Spirit, collegiality as an ideal spiritual and moral behavior of a man. The representation of the collegiality senses assist to perception of collegiality as the core of Russian culture, the preservation of the Russian cultural tradition, consolidation of Russian society, overcoming the moral crisis of Russian society.
Key words collegiality, Christocentric, representation, spiritual sense, orthodox artists.
Article information
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Full articleIcon Painting Senses of Collegiality in the Works of Modern Orthodox Artists