Article |
Article name |
Female Prose in Transbaikal Region as a Sociocultural Phenomenon |
Authors |
Titareva L.D.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
37 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The author, one of the first, exploring female prose as a cultural phenomenon in comparison of nationwide and regional levels uses a number of approaches and methods (comprehensive, systematic, gender, analytical, comparative-historical).
It is possible to trace parallels in the development of female prose in Russia and in the Transbaikal region by the time of XIX century and the beginning of XX century. Female prose occured in Russia at the beginning of XIX century. In the Transbaikal territory female prose in XIX century was represented by three names: P. E. Annenkova, M. N. Volkonskaya, and E. O. Dubrovina. In the early XX century when Chita was the capital of the DVR in the Transbaikal region O. Petrovskaya worked within the group “Creativity”, M. Sokolova was a member of CHLHO, N. Malkova and A. Litvintseva took an active part in the literary process of that time. During the postwar years, military, patriotic and industrial themes were represented in the books of I. R. Guro and L. A. Pokrovskaya. Women-writers of Transbaikal made themselves known after the social changes in the 1980s. At the beginning of the twenty-first century women’s prose in the Transbaikal, with a number of regional characteristics , is actively developing. Creativity and social activities of women writers is the basis for the preservation and development of culture in the province.
Key words |
revolution, Decembrists, culture, female prose, women-writes, culture, literature. |
Article information |
References |
1. Akhmetova G. «A u nas v Zabaikal’e…». Chita: Chit. tip., 2008. 128 s.
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Full article | Female Prose in Transbaikal Region as a Sociocultural Phenomenon |