Article |
Article name |
Knowledge-Based Economy as a Factor in the Formation of New Quality Partnerships Between the Higher Educational Institutions and the Employers |
Authors |
Zarubin V.G.Doctor of Sociology, Professor Vg_zarubin@mail.ruVolkovitckaya G.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.43 |
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Annotation |
It is proven that inefficiency of the labor force structure which iscaused bydetachment of the vocational education system from the needs of the market,jeopardizes the dynamic development of the country. We have analyzed theemployers’ requirements specific to certain conditions of the profession. Wehave illustrated the contradictory situation in the labor market, which shows the deficiency of highly specialized professionalsdue to the complexity of the structure and internal differentiation of the various areas of economic activity, on the one hand, and the need for broadly qualifiedemployees, on the other hand. We have considered stages of strengtheningthe interaction between universities and employers. We have built models of the key personnel professional competencies. The first model is focused ondevelopment of the employee’s personal skills. The second model involves specific set of employee’s skills. The third model includes educational program, which is based on motivation assessment and achievement of results. According to the fourth model the professional activities include a standard set of requirements and expectations with respect to key employees in the workplace. We have proposed a solution for the identified contradiction by means of establishing system of corporate universities, as a response to the shortage of staff with necessaryskills caused by the lack of interaction between the system of higher education and the business environment. The efficient cooperation between enterprises and universities in the knowledge economy can be realized both in the field of research and in the field of personnel training.
Key words |
labor market, vocational education system, partnership of education and business, corporate universities. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Knowledge-Based Economy as a Factor in the Formation of New Quality Partnerships Between the Higher Educational Institutions and the Employers |