Article |
Article name |
The Problems of Staffing in the Sphere of State Youth Policy (Based on Materials of the Transbaikalye Territory) |
Authors |
Liga , M.B.Doctor of Sociology, Professor m-Liga@inbox.ruShapieva A.V.Senior Teacher |
Bibliographic description |
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316 |
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Annotation |
The problem of staffing management in the sphere of state youth policy in Transbaikalia researches in this article. The concept of «state youth policy» is given here, different approaches to the definition of this concept are marked in scientific knowledge. The author’s interpretation of the concept of «staffing» is suggested in this article. The structure of the staffing of the state youth policy is described and presented at three interrelated levels (Federal, regional, municipal).
The role of staffing in the management of the state youth policy is opened in the article. This is the need of involving qualify professionals in this sphere who are able to adapt to the new conditions, who are ready to deal with the short-term and the long-term objectives of state youth policy realization.
The problems of staffing the state youth policy at the regional level were determined on the basis of empirical facts, which were gotten in the course of the author’s empirical-sociological research «Staffing of the state youth policy» and «Professionalization of staffing in the sphere of state youth policy in Transbaikalia». The lack of qualified professionals who realize state youth policy, the lack of insufficient qualification, professional training youth policy experts; the lack of staffing coordination in this area of government which is characterized by a significant area of professional frustrations of professionals, and the absence of most of the specialists in the sphere of state youth policy well-defined adjustment for a professional career in the bodies realizing the youth policy in Transbaikalia. In the conclusion the author denotes the ways to solve the define problems, the algorithm of actions is suggested to improve the efficiency activity of staffing in the state youth policy in the The Transbaikalye Territory.
Key words |
youth, state youth policy, youth policy authorities, specialists in the sphere of state youth policy, staffing, professionalization, management of state youth policy, personnel policy. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Problems of Staffing in the Sphere of State Youth Policy (Based on Materials of the Transbaikalye Territory) |