Article |
Article name |
Сonditions of Forming of Russian National Identity of Contemporary Russia (on the Example of Researches in Altai Region) |
Authors |
Maksimova S.G.Doctor of Sociology, Professor svet-maximova@yandex.ruNoyanzina O.E.Candidate of Sociology noe@mail.ruGoncharova N.P.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor g-natalia@mail.ruOmelchenko D.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate Professor daria.omelchenko@mail.ruAvdeeva G.S.Candidate of Psychology |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
316.47 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Results of empirical research about peculiarities of revelation of civil and national identity among population of Altai region are presented in the article. We present an attempt to describe conditions of formation of Russian national identity, study emotional component of relation to citizenship. Conclusion was the following: feeling of proud for own country has no any correlations with age, sex and nationality of respondents, but truly correlates with relation to religion – unbelievers have less proud for country. Analysis of reasons of feelings testifies about various reasons to proud than to be ashamed. Knowledge about sense of citizenship is criteria for conflicts in social relations – middle age generation is most oriented on benefits from the State, some guaranties of stability,than other generations. Only after obtaining state benefits, they are ready to act for the profit of State. The youth’s knowledge of citizenship bases on duty with emotional devotion to the Motherland. Middle-aged respondents think about citizenship as a comfort living at separate territory of the State, feeling of stability, and elderly people understand mutual duties between citizens and the State. Religion belief – is a factor of evaluation of national unity, or national idea. Respondents differently evaluate factors of formation of nation: urban citizens evaluate internal factors (mentality, love to Motherland and so on)and rural citizens evaluate external factors of national unity (absence of wars, evident conflicts and so on).
Key words |
civil identity, national identity, Russian national identity, national unity, region. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Сonditions of Forming of Russian National Identity of Contemporary Russia (on the Example of Researches in Altai Region) |