Article name Historical Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Experience of Qualitative Social Research
Authors Nemirova N.V.Candidate of Sociology
Bibliographic description
UDK 316. 473
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the problem of formation, translation and preservation of the historical memory of the Great Patriotic War. The author is differentiating between the notion of historical memory and the notion of social memory, analyzing episodic and reconstructive memory, and also defining their role, meaning and place in formation of the historical memory of the senior birth cohort which includes witnesses and participants of the Great Patriotic War. The article involves the results of the applied qualitative social research which was made on the eve of the 70th celebration of the Great Victory. A concerted series of profound interviews with the children of war reveals the sources of formation of historical memory that is in fact a complicated social constructor which according to what the research shows should be based on reporting really genuine information about the war involving not only sorrows of loss, errors and defeats, but also joy and pride of achieved victories. “Suppression” is the main source of falsification and deformation of historical consciousness that is currently enduring political pressure of idealization and falsification of sociohistorical experience. The preservation of the memory of the heroic deed and victory of the people becomes a primary task of the patriotic education of modern Russian rising generation. The study showed, on the one hand, the superior role of event memory over the reconstructed, on the other, determined the nature of their mutual influence on the complex construction of historical memory in the public mind of children of war.
Key words historical memory, social memory, sources of historical memory, qualitative social research, Great Patriotic War.
Article information
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Full articleHistorical Memory of the Great Patriotic War: Experience of Qualitative Social Research