Article name Model of Independent Assessment of Education Quality in Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Tomskikh A.A.Doctor of Geography
Spivachuk V.A.Head of Strategic Development
Bibliographic description
UDK 373/08
Article type
Annotation The model of assessment of the educational services quality, which includes the following components: regulatory, organizational, functional, technological, criterial, is considered. Regulatory component is based on documents of federal, regional and departmental levels. Legal and regulatory base for the regional assessment of the education quality is completely formed. Organizational component is the organizational and management structure, including founders of educational institutions, public council, organizations which engaged in the evaluation process, educational organizations and consumers of educational services, professional experts. Functional component is totality of members’ powers and functions of the independent quality assessment. Technological component includes methods, principles, implemented in the assessment process, common approach to the procedure for its implementation. Criterion component is a totality of quantitative characteristics of the provided service. The analysis of the process of independent evaluation of the quality of services is provided by educational institutions of Zabaikalsky Krai. As an object of study, different types of educational institutions were chosen: 4 educational organizations of general education, 29 ones of vocational education and 10 – of special education. The independent evaluation was carried out according to two criteria: the openness and accessibility of information about the educational institution; the effectiveness of the educational organization. As part of these criteria, sub-criteria were highlighted, depending on the type of educational institution. All this allowed us to obtain the most objective data on the selected criteria. Based on the results, the recommendations for educational institutions of Zabaikalsky Krai were developed.
Key words independent quality assessment of educational services, quality of services, openness, availability, performance of work.
Article information
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