Article name Young Teachers Attitude to the Teaching Profession: Sociological Analysis
Authors Shjotkina I.A.Candidate of Sociology, Associate professor
Zakharova Y.Y.Candidate of Philosophy, Associate professor
Okuneva N.I.Candidate of Sociology
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation Case study «How are you, young teacher?» was held by the Laboratory of life quality of Transbaikal State University in October – November 2014, within the task of Zabaikalsky Regional Committee of the Trade Union of Public Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In the course of empirical research the selective totality of respondents was defined, methodological tools to conduct sociological research was selected, results of the study were processed. 347 young teachers among the teachers, educators, workers of additional education of Zabaikalsky Krai were interviewed in accordance with the procedure of selective research (confidence level (accuracy) was 95 %, confidence interval (error) within ±5 %). The sociological study made young teachers’ socio-demographic portrait of Zabaikalsky Krai, working in educational institutions. According to the gender feature, women are dominated among young teachers (83,0 % of total respondents), young male teachers – 17,0 % of the total number of respondents. The main age group of young teachers are teachers aged 18 to 24 years (49,9 % of total respondents). The percentage of persons aged between 24 and 30 years, working in the school, was 39,9 %.
Key words young teacher, education, teaching profession, socio-demographic and professional characteristics of young teachers.
Article information
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Full articleYoung Teachers Attitude to the Teaching Profession: Sociological Analysis