Article name Quality Management System in Educational Organizations in the Conditions of the Implementation of New Generation FSES
Authors Pronina L.N.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The federal state educational standards of new generation currently implemented in the educational organizations are the most important mechanism of strengthening of the Russian statehood, sociocultural and economic modernization of the country. FSES of secondary education defines modern requirements to its quality. Mastering a set of the competences allowing graduates to raise and solve the major vital and professional problem is supposed to be the main result of education. Quality management is the priority activity of the head of the educational organization. Management of the competitive educational organization assumes creation and practical realization of quality management system, development of the QMS model and the corresponding legal acts. The international quality standard of the ISO 9001:2000 is the cornerstone of quality management system of education. The QMS model in the educational organization represents theoretically based and logically constructed set of ideas about the essence of the quality management system, how it influences the objects of management, adapts to changes in the environment in such a way that the operated educational organization could achieve its goals, react sufficiently to calls and the arising problems, develop steadily and provide its viability. It includes the principles of management, strategic views, purposes and tasks, structure and the order of interaction of its elements, analytical monitoring and the control of the process of education. Theoretical-methodological judgment of the concept of quality management system in the educational organization is one of the conditions of success of management activity.
Key words Federal state educational standards, education quality management, quality management system, quality indicators, objects of internal school control.
Article information
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Full articleQuality Management System in Educational Organizations in the Conditions of the Implementation of New Generation FSES