Article name Cultural Approach to the Study of the Formation of Future Teachers Professional Competence Process in Preschool Education in the Organization of Cultural Practices of Preschool Children
Authors Garmaeva, I.S.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.1
Article type
Annotation The article substantiates the necessity of purposeful formation of professional competence of future pre-school teachers in the organization of cultural practices as a mandatory variable form of organization of children’s educational activities in accordance with the preschool education requirements of the Federal state educational standard. According to the author, the methodological position of future pre-school teachers’ professional competence formation in the organization of cultural practices of preschool children is cultural approach, which allows us to study and organize educational process in higher education institution as a process of conscious and motivated student’s development and assignment of cultural values providing a humanistic, student-oriented view on aims, tasks, content of professional activities in preschool education. Formation of professional competence of future preschool teachers is considered as an organized, content rich process of purposeful assistance to formation of students’ professional competence in educational process of higher education institution in total of its main components – motivational and valuable, cognitive, and technological. The results of this study allowed the author to form a view on the process of formation of future pre-school teachers’ professional competence in the organization of cultural practices of preschool children from the standpoint of cultural approach.
Key words preschool education, cultural practices, professional competence, preschool teacher, culturological approach.
Article information
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Full articleCultural Approach to the Study of the Formation of Future Teachers Professional Competence Process in Preschool Education in the Organization of Cultural Practices of Preschool Children