Article |
Article name |
Ethnic and Cultural Education of Students in the Study of Kinship Terms (Based on the Dialect Vocabulary of Kinship Terms of the Buryat Language) |
Authors |
Dondokova Z.T.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378.016: 811.512.31 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the function of dialect vocabulary of kinship terms in ethnocultural education of students. Language and culture of people are the spiritual components of humanity. Language and writing include the process of transferring accumulated phylogenetic experience to the next generation. The author notes that western Buryat youth rarely use kinship terms. This vocabulary of western Buryat dialect passed into the passive vocabulary long ago. Therefore, in this article the author attempts to classify kinship terms of western Buryat dialect: 1) maternal and paternal kinship terms; 2) the terms of kinship based on age: kinship terms older than ego (I), kinship terms younger than ego (I).
The study has revealed that the dialect vocabulary of kinship terms of western Buryat dialect mostly coincides with literature terminology. At the end the author gives examples of exercises for the assimilation of lexical formation. The author has also noted that the semantics of the word contains a wealth of information about the system of people’s values. In the Buryat-Mongolian culture Nagasa relatives by the mother line are considered the most respected, in the culture of the western Buryats there is a rite called nagasaa hүndelelge (veneration of uncle by the mother line). Thus, the author concludes that based on the study of the given lexicon formation with its semantic values, we can instill into our students ethno-cultural national values.
Key words |
dialectology, kinship terms, the Buryat language, western Buryatia, ethnic culture, education, national values. |
Article information |
References |
1. Botasheva Kh. Yu. Dukhovno-nravstvennye tsennosti studenta universiteta v zerkale sotsiologicheskogo analiza [Elektronnyi resurs] / Izv. Ros. gos. ped. un-ta im. A. I. Gertsena: elektron. zhurn. Rezhim dostupa: (data obrashcheniya: 22.10.2015).
2. Budaev Ts. B. Buryaad dialektologi. Ulan-Ude: Izd-vo BGU, 2000. 83 s. |
Full article | Ethnic and Cultural Education of Students in the Study of Kinship Terms (Based on the Dialect Vocabulary of Kinship Terms of the Buryat Language) |