Article |
Article name |
Characteristics of the Implementation of Academic Mobility in the Interaction of Russian and Chinese Professional Education |
Authors |
Gomboeva D.O.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
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378 |
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Annotation |
With the active development of relations between Russia and China in the modern world, particularly in the field of education, academic mobility is becoming more increasingly important. This article is a description of the current state of Russian-Chinese relations in the field of education on the example of Transbaikal State University. Here are the results of monitoring indicators of the international activities of Transbaikal State University for four academic years, namely the number of foreign students enrolled in the university according to the specialty and form of learning chosen. The data analysis has determined the directions and characteristics of academic mobility in Transbaikal State University, as well as the problems of stimulating academic mobility of students and channels for attracting foreign students in Russian universities. The sharp drop in the number of foreign students may be due to the process of internationalization of higher education throughout the world, so international students have opened new horizons to study abroad, parents are willing to send their children to more distant and bigger cities of Russia. The article focuses considerable attention on the fact that in the context of globalization universities need to raise the prestige of the university, to strengthen efforts to attract foreign students to create programs of mutual learning of students.
Key words |
Russian-Chinese relations, field of education, modernization, world space, academic mobility. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Characteristics of the Implementation of Academic Mobility in the Interaction of Russian and Chinese Professional Education |