Article |
Article name |
Internationalization of Vocational Education in Some Regions of China |
Authors |
Liu Zhiyan ..Postgraduate Student kira– |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
377(510 Кит) |
Article type |
Annotation |
Global political and socio-economic changes in China in the last decades demand the change in educational priority. An increased interest in researches in the field of international education, characteristic for the majority of the countries of the world, in many respects is explained by tendencies of interdependence and interference of the nations and the states in the course of globalization and integration of public life and education of different people. The process of globalization causes the need in professional personnel of a new level. Currently, the solution of this problem largely depends on internationalization of vocational education.
Nowadays, each state also raises requirements to the system of vocational education in the conditions of social and economic development of the world community, progress in science, technology and culture. It was after China had joined the World Trade Organization (WTO) (2001) that there are more needs for vocational education because the quality and scope of vocational education have become key factors for the socialist modernization of both industry and agriculture.
This article reviews vocational education in some provinces of China. Although vocational education in different geographical locations with different major trends of the economy is distinguished, there are common trends of the development of vocational education, for example, adaptation of the system of vocational education to the needs of the economy, internationalization and increased openness of vocational education, establishment of a modern system of vocational education.
Key words |
internationalization of vocational education, system of vocational education, cooperation between schools and enterprises, bases for manufacturing practice. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Internationalization of Vocational Education in Some Regions of China |