Article name The Study of Values and Motivations of Students with Different Levels of Responsibility
Authors Tolstych L.R.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.923
Article type
Annotation The article presents the theoretical analysis of scientific literature on the concept of ‘responsibility’, the results of empirical research of the valuable and motivational sphere of students with different levels of responsibility. The purpose of the empirical study is to determine the characteristics of value-motivational sphere of students with different levels of responsibility. The article considers the theoretical aspect of the category ‘responsibility’ with an interdisciplinary position. Theoretical analysis of the scientific literature indicates that this concept acts as an interdisciplinary and the subject area, which is covered by this concept has been changing. The article defines essential characteristics of responsibility as an integrative quality of the personality based on the analysis of tendencies of higher education formation. According to some scientists, the structure of responsibility includes three components: a cognitive, a motivational and a behavioral one. These components in structure of responsibility are interconnected and are in a dynamic state. We believe that development of responsibility is a gradual transformation of components of its structure. 120 students of Mining Faculty of Transbaikal State University took part in research. There are three levels of students’ responsibility development: a productive, an adequate, and an algorithmic one. The analysis of subjective structuring of valuable orientations of students was diagnosed by M. Rokich’s technique. The study of the person motivational structure was carried out by V. E. Milman’s technique. The motivational sphere of students’ values was investigated by Sch. Schwartz’s questionnaire. As a result of the conducted research it is possible to draw a conclusion that the valuable and motivational sphere defines the relation of students to development of professional activity, stimulates interest in it and transforms interest to motives, defining the valuable relation to performance of future professional activity.
Key words responsibility, values and motivations, interest, professional activity.
Article information
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Full articleThe Study of Values and Motivations of Students with Different Levels of Responsibility