Article |
Article name |
Psychological Content of Vitauct as an Anti-Ageing Process |
Authors |
Ermakova E.S.Doctor of Psychology, Associate Professor e_s_ermakova@mail.ruOlkhovskaya E.Y.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
159.922.6 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In the article the problem of vitauct as a process of anti-aging, which defines social and psychological adaptation of non-working retirees including the processes of different levels is considered: at the level of an organism – physiological adaptation and regulatory processes, at the personal level – psychological vitauct.
In the empirical research, territorial specifics of the psychological content of vitauct processes of non-working retirees in Rostov Oblast and Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug – Yugra were studied.
The results of empirical research have proved that social and psychological adaptation of non-working retirees is a result of a difficult process of adaptation to new conditions of activity which success is defined by factors of a psychological vitauct: social (environmental) and psychological (personal) ones.
The social factors include conditions of retirees’ activity, health level, nature of retirees’ activity, features of their social activity. Among psychological factors are criteria of social and psychological adaptation (level of personal frustration, self-attitude level including self-acceptance and self-esteem; level of acceptance of others; level of emotional comfort; level of personal responsibility and aspiration to domination; features of standard ideals at the level of belief; features of motivational tendencies).
The critical social (environmental) and psychological (personal) factors defining success of social and psychological adaptation are distinguished. Among them are health level, self-attitude and self-acceptance, frustration level, personal responsibility, aspiration to domination, temporary integration, existence of creativity in the system of values, spiritual satisfaction, and identity preservation.
On the basis of research of the content of the psychological vitauct of non-working retirees in various regions of Russia, recommendations for their successful social and psychological adaptation which can be used by psychologists of social service institutions were formulated.
Key words |
psychological vitauct, social and psychological adaptation, factors of vitauct, structure of vitauct. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Psychological Content of Vitauct as an Anti-Ageing Process |