Annotation |
The paper justifies the necessity of forming such a professional skill of future teachers as
structuring the content area of academic disciplines. The necessity of having teachers master this skill
is conditioned by introduction of new-generation Federal Educational Standards in comprehensive
secondary schools, as well as by requirements of Teacher Professional Standards, which in the
aggregate determine alterations in professional pedagogical education. The author offers solutions to
the problem related to formation of future teachers’ skill of structuring the content area of academic
disciplines by means of solving the following tasks: determining the matter point of the content area
structuring process, analyzing the extent of problem development, and, finally, revealing factors
and organizational and pedagogical conditions ensuring efficiency of development of this skill. In
the course of solving these tasks, the author has devised a special course programme intended
for training of future teachers of various academic disciplines, which can be implemented in any
departments of pedagogical educational institutions, since the theoretical section of the programme
contains information related to the areas of general knowledge (philosophy, logics and didactics),
while its practical section is connected with structuring of academic discipline content subject to a
certain specialty. Moreover, the author singles out the main professional skills providing for the ability
to structure the content area of the disciplines, which are first being studied (general pedagogical and
special disciplines) at the stage of getting education, and, in a later stage, of the disciplines which are
being taught in the process of pedagogical activity.
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