Article |
Article name |
Potential Possibilities of Information and Communication Technologies for Teacher’s Professional Self-Realization in the System of Postgraduate Education |
Authors |
Nikolaesku I.A.Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378.12 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with an important role of information and communication technologies in the
professional activity of teacher’s postgraduate education, its essence as the necessary condition for
successful teacher’s self-realization. It is noted that the active use of ICT in common educational
space by means of modern computer technology is not only changing the pedagogical process of
institutions of postgraduate education, its content, organizational and methodological basis, but
it also requires a teacher in the system of postgraduate education to use innovative information
resources, namely, multimedia presentations, e-books, online communication, virtual labs, etc. The
paper describes the content of key concepts of the research and the potential of information and
communication technologies (a forum, educational portals, Wikipedia, blogs, media, etc.) for the
professional teacher’s self-realization in postgraduate education. The author’s course “Acmeology of Professional Education” is presented as part-time distance learning in the school of pedagogical
skills, acquaintance with which can be a basis for the implementation of the Internet communication,
development of professional culture and self-realization for a teacher. An example of methodological
forms of professional activity such as an educational online-club as a coordination center of
informational and communicational space is given. In further researches, it is possible to develop
organizational and semantic models of a teacher’s professional self-realization in the system of
postgraduate education by means of ICT.
Key words |
information and communication technologies, professional-pedagogical selfrealization,teacher of postgraduate education, acmeology, the Internet club, computer technologies,multimedia technologies. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Potential Possibilities of Information and Communication Technologies for Teacher’s Professional Self-Realization in the System of Postgraduate Education |