Article name On the Problem of Monitoring and Evaluation of Training Future Pre-School Teachers2
Authors Ulzytuyeva A.I. Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor
Lysikova T.S.Senior Lecturer
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.146
Article type
Annotation Today, in the system of higher education the recognition that the current system of monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes does not allow scienists to track many competencies and skills that are necessary to form in today’s students for their successful life and professional strategies after graduation is growing. Directions of higher education development necessitate modification of the existing system of assessment tools, its supplement with new methods of monitoring and evaluation and use of the potential in the evaluation of students’ achievements the employers. At this stage, in front of the teacher of higher school there is a problem of specification and definition of the parameters and forms of monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes in accordance with modern requirements. The article submitted summarizes theoretical experience of evaluation and control, the ways of cooperation with employers in the assessment of learning outcomes of future bachelors of pedagogy, describes the results of the interaction with experienced teachers and administrators of educational institutions in the course of student teaching in kindergarten, outlines the ways in choosing productive methods of evaluation. The research has shown that the involvement of the employer as an active participant of monitoring and evaluation of learning outcomes allows the teacher to transform the educational process taking into account the problems. The findings extend knowledge about current trends in the methodology of evaluation and monitoring, provide a new look at the process of establishing the fund of evaluation tools by university lecturers.
Key words quality of education, learning outcomes, monitoring, checks, evaluation, assessment criteria, the employer.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Problem of Monitoring and Evaluation of Training Future Pre-School Teachers2