Article name Regional Component of Vocational Education in China
Authors Kimova S.Z.Candidate of Pedagogy Associate Professor
Liu Zhiyan ..Postgraduate Student kira–
Bibliographic description
UDK 377(510)
Article type
Annotation The growing interest to the national experience in issues of vocational education modernization in China and Russia is dictated by the rapidly increasing internationalization of the capital, the requirements of mobility of all participants of educational process that goes beyond the legally drawn boundaries. Traditional system of vocational education cannot cope with the challenges of the contemporary innovative economy in the countries. Restructuring professional education management system is carried out in the Russian system of highly skilled workers training according to the new formation. The Chinese experience in responsibility distribution between subjects of educational policy in the organization of professional education presents a particular interest. This article deals with an analytical overview of some Chinese regional systems of vocational education, which differ in geographical location and leading economical specialization. The diversity of local laws presented in various policy documents reveals a range of areas relevant to vocational education in the provinces. The distinctive features of vocational education development are analyzed (supporting institutions, regulation of the profession system, internationalization of education, professional training and solving challenges for regional education) in the context of rapid industrialization, urbanization, development and implementation of information technologies.
Key words vocational education, pilot institutions, exemplary institution, lighthouse school, brand name of vocational education, public-private partnership
Article information
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