Article name Some Methods of Realization of Schoolchildren Special Physics Training
Authors Degtyarev V.V.Postgraduate Student
Orekhov S.E.postgraduate
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016:53
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the investigation of the features of special training of pupils in the context of the Federal state educational standard. It is shown that this training has influence on development of personal and metasubject results, including intersubject knowledge. All possible means of special training and situational tasks are discussed. The authors have selected personal and metasubject results on which preliminary work is based and which promote development of special physics training of pupils. The examples show the ways and methods of making use of the components of preliminary work, the recommended tasks, forms and ways of activity. The authors present situational tasks which have complex structure and purpose. They can be done both at the lesson and extracurricular activities. Use of such tasks can assure effective achievement of personal and metasubject results of training allowing schoolchildren to choose special physics training, motivating them for further vocational education connected with physics. The example of the solution of a situational task in optics developed by one of the authors is presented. It includes tasks aimed at preliminary and vocational education at secondary and high schools.
Key words physics, profile orientation, metasubject results, educational environment, situational task.
Article information
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Full articleSome Methods of Realization of Schoolchildren Special Physics Training