Article name Methods of Forming Cultural Competence of Schoolchildren While Studying Phraseological Units in the Course of Native Russian
Authors Vasilyeva N.V.Candidate of Pedagogy
Bibliographic description
UDK 373
Article type
Annotation The article presents methods of forming cultural competence of schoolchildren while studying phraseological units in the course of native Russian. Ideas of competence-based, system-activity and reflective approaches are methodological bases of this teaching technique. The article describes conceptual propositions of the methods, objectives, conceptual foundation, and training stages. The methods presented are based on cultural competence interpretation as a complex of cognitive, regulatory and personal-meaning components (L. V. Cherepanova’s model). A schoolchild is considered as a language personality. The author suggests studying national-cultural specificity of phraseological units at the levels of language mentality. The key methods of teaching are reflexive tasks, the language portfolio, and the project method. Cultural competence formation of schoolchildren while studying phraseological units can be realized in seven stages. Training stages assume transition from actualization of schoolchildren’s knowledge included into linguistic, language and communicative competence to formation of knowledge, skills and work methods with phraseological units at verbal-semantic, linguo-cognitive, axiological and motivation-pragmatic levels of language mentality. The author also touches upon a problem of interconnection in formation of all types of subject competences in the course of work aimed at forming schoolchildren’s cultural competence while studying phraseological units.
Key words cultural competence, phraseological units, language personality, language mentality, system-activity approach, reflexive approach, competence-based approach.
Article information
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Full articleMethods of Forming Cultural Competence of Schoolchildren While Studying Phraseological Units in the Course of Native Russian