Article name The Development of the Universal Academic Habits While Teaching Russian as a Native Language at Secondary School
Authors Cherepanova L.V.Doctor of Pedagogy, professor
Bibliographic description
UDK 482 (07)
Article type
Annotation The article reveals one of the topical issues of teaching Russian as a native language according to the Federal state education standards for secondary education (the second edition), namely achieving academic outcomes in the subject and meta-subject areas. The meta-subject outcomes are seen in the school leavers’ functional literacy that is indicated by their universal academic habits (UAH). Maintaining these outcomes requires the development of certain techniques, methods, and technologies capable of integrating the formation of school students’ UAH and subject competencies (linguistic, lingual, communicative, and cultural). Moreover, competence, activity and reflexive teaching approaches are also maintained. The competence approach leads to developing the ability of problem solving; the activity approach is productive for cognitive activity and self-education; the reflexive teaching develops self-analysis and self-control, which are based on reflection. In addition, they enable schoolteachers to develop their students’ cognitive activity aimed at obtaining basic competencies. The text-centered approach is also presented as well as the characteristics of the text as a means of developing subject competencies (linguistic, lingual, communicative and cultural), basic subject skills, habits and methods of cognitive activity, including the UAH. The article describes various tasks and technologies whereby the subject and meta-subject requirements prescribed by the Federal state education standards could be met. Such technologies as reflexive Russian teaching and “Language portfolio” are specially emphasized.
Key words Federal state education standard for secondary education, universal academic habits, competence approach, activity approach, reflexive approach, technology of reflexive teaching, “Language portfolio”.
Article information
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Full articleThe Development of the Universal Academic Habits While Teaching Russian as a Native Language at Secondary School