Article |
Article name |
Species of Genus Hemerocallis L. at Introduction in Forest-Steppe Zone of Western Siberia |
Authors |
Sedelnikova L.L.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
582.573.81:581.14 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In Central Siberian Botanical Garden in Novosibirsk about four species of Hemerocallis of the family Hemerocallidaceae have been studied. The findings of many years research relating to introduction of the H. citrina, H. lilio-asphodelus, H. minor, H. middendorfii in conditions of the forest-steppe of western Siberia are generalized. Patterns of growth and development, ontogenesis and morphogenesis are established. In conditions of introduction, growth of H. citrina, H. lilio-asphodelus, H. minor takes place in the last decade of April, growth of H. middendorfii occurs in the last decade of May. Two types of inflorescence structure are described: dichsium duplex (H.citrina,
H. lilio-asphodelus, H. Minor) and capituliformis thyrsus (H. Middendorfii). Order of flowers blooming in the inflorescence at H. citrine, H. lilio-asphodelus, H. minor is studied, blossoming type is divergent, and H. middendorfii flowers in capitate inflorescence blossom acropetally from the periphery to the center, according to the centripetal type. It has been revealed that during the life cycle development the type of shoot growing is monopodial. Dense short rhizomatous (H. middendorfii), friable long rhizomatous (H. citrine), friable short rhizomatous underground biomorphs in conditions of introduction were established. Formation and subsequent development of the leaves of all kinds occur acropetally. The species studied are characterized by pregenerative short flowering period during the third year. Alternate and mixed type of blooming flowers relative to the main axis and lateral buds is identified. The species are resistant to the first spring and autumn frosts.
Key words |
growth, development, inflorescence, rhizome, morphogenesis, ontogenesis, Hemerocallis, western Siberia. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Species of Genus Hemerocallis L. at Introduction in Forest-Steppe Zone of Western Siberia |