Article |
Article name |
Adventive Flora of the Bureya River Valley (Amur Oblast) |
Authors |
Starchenko V.M. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor, chief of the Laboratory of Botany, Botanical Garden-Institute |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Адвентивная флора долины Буреи (Амурская область) |
581.9 (571.6) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The results of many years’ botanical research of the Bureya valley are summarized. The list of adventive vascular plants, including 88 species from 27 families and 74 genera is compiled. Adventization index of the Bureya valley flora is 8.84 %. Taxonomic analysis of the valley has shown that the family Asteraceae (28 sp) includes the highest number of species, followed by the Fabaceae (10 sp) and Poaceae (6 sp), but 1–2 species of the family (17) prevail.
Analysis of the alien flora of species according to the time of importation to the examined territory has revealed 3 groups of adventive species: archeophytes (8) and neophytes (50) and euneophytes (30). Only one species (euneophyte Senecio viscosus) appeared as a result of the Bureya HPS cascade construction and two species (Chrysaspis campestris., Persicaria orientalis) appeared due to the construction of the ESPO pipeline. Earlier human activity is the cause of other species occurrence.
Analysis of plant species according to the method of introduction to the territory examined has shown that in all three groups of temporary alien flora (archeophytes, neophytes, euneophytes), xenophytes and xenoergaziophyfes dominate. Ergaziophygophytes and ergaziophytes are represented only among neophytes and euneophytes and include a much smaller number of species.
Analysis of adventive species according to the degree of naturalization has shown that epecophytes (43) and agriophytes (21) prevail in the Bureya valley. The rest of the three species groups consisting of neophytes and euneophytes include a smaller number of species.
Data from the analysis of the Bureya valley alien flora allow us to make a conclusion that agriophytes – euneophytes Acer negundo, Bidens frondosa, Echinocystis lobata, Hippophae rhamnoides, Phalacroloma septentrionale can be characterized by significant invasive activity.
Key words |
adventive species, taxonomic analysis, invasive activity, the Bureya HPS cascade, the Far East of Russia. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Adventive Flora of the Bureya River Valley (Amur Oblast) |