Article |
Article name |
Taxonomic Composition and Diversity of Zoobenthos in Small Rivers of the Upper Amur Midland |
Authors |
Klishko O.K.Senior Researcher amelik2@mail.ruMatafonov P.V. |
Bibliographic description |
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574.587 |
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Annotation |
The study of zoobenthos of the small streams of the Upper Amur midlands was carried out. Within the territory of 225 km2, in the catchment of the Unda river, zoobenthos includes 405 taxons of 235 genera, 92 families, 29 orders, 4 types. Taxonomic diversity of zoobenthos is presented by amphibiotic insects (88 % of the total composition). The biggest diversity of the insects was represented by Chironomidae (185 taxons), Caddisflies (54 taxons), mayflies (25 taxons). Other zoobenthos representatives included fewer diversity: Oligochaeta (13), Gastropoda (17).
The fauna of the bottom-dwelling invertebrate currents in the catchment of the Unda river has a complex composition with different types of distribution of the disjunctive areas including North-Western Europe, South Maritime Territory of Russia, Sakhalin and the Kurils. Unusual for Russia species of the families Chironomidae and Blepharoceridae of the Trichoptera order were revealed. Very specific dipteral insects of the Nymphomiidae family might be related to the phylogenetic and geographical relicts. Among the protected species, big clams Maragaritifera dahurica Middendorff, 1850 were determined, they are included into the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation.
The taxonomic diversity of zoobenthos in a river of 25 km long, for instance, is estimated to be about 260 species. Presence of common lake ecosystem taxa gives grounds to consider the exchange of the fauna between lake and river ecosystems. The data are necessary for finding geographical regulations of the fauna spreading, definition of the protected areas key territories and ecological monitoring.
Key words |
zoobenthos, taxonomic composition, taxonomic diversity, small rivers, the catchment area of the Upper Amur, Transbaikalia. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Taxonomic Composition and Diversity of Zoobenthos in Small Rivers of the Upper Amur Midland |