Article |
Article name |
Zooplankton in Lakes Maloye Leprindo and Bolshoye Leprindo |
Authors |
Krivenkova I. . Candidate of Biology, associate professor |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
591.524.12 |
Article type |
Annotation |
This article presents modern data on lake zooplankton of Lakes Maloye Leprindo and Bolshoye Leprindo in Kalarsky district of Zabaikalsky krai (August 2014). The lakes are located
in Verkhnecharskaya valley in the foothills of the Kodar Mountains. The lakes are connected by a channel; Bolshoye Leprindo has a drain in the river Chara. According to saprobity degree, the lakes are oligotrophic with ultra-fresh water; a total mineralization is 20–40 mg/l. Along the southern coast of Lake Maloye Leprindo and the northern part of Lake Bolshoye Leprindo, there is the Baikal – Amur Mainline. The article has a list of fauna species of rotifers and lower crustaceans from these reservoirs. The species composition of zooplankton has14 species in the period studied. A taxonomic, ecological and geographical analysis has been done. Saprobity index for Lakes Maloye Leprindo and Bolshoye Leprindo has been calculated. The author defined water quality classes of the lakes in accordance with composition of zooplankton. The data on the species and quantitative composition of the lake zooplankton are given in the article. Species composition studied in 2014 was compared to those obtained in 1984 and 1987. Analysis of zooplankton (content of species-indicators among which 100 % αχ, О and О-β – mesosaprobes) and the value of the index saprobity show that waters of the lakes are clean.
Key words |
Maloye Leprindo Lake, Bolshoye Leprindo Lake, zooplankton, saprobity, water quality. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Zooplankton in Lakes Maloye Leprindo and Bolshoye Leprindo |