Article |
Article name |
Structural Organization of Festucoid Grasses (Poaceaе) Awn Chlorenchyma |
Authors |
Zvereva G.K.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research assistant |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
582.4/.9-18 |
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Annotation |
Spatial organization of assimilative tissue in lemmas’ awns of festucoid grasses on the example of two species of wild-growing plants Stipa pennata and Hordeum jubatum and two species of cultivated plants – Secale cereale and Hordeum sativum is investigated. Basic forms of assimilation cells and their location in space awns are considered. It has been shown that in lemmas’ awns of festucoid grasses there is both simplifying and the chlorenchyma structure preservation as compared with their leaves. Assimilation tissue of Stipa pennata and Hordeum jubatum awns is represented primarily by the cells of simple configurations elongated along the axis. The chlorenchyma of Hordeum sativum and Secale cereale awns consists of cells of complex configurations with a predominance of the cellular cells located along the axis. As in leaves, in assimilation tissue of cereals’ awns there are three groups of cells oriented with their largest surface in three mutually perpendicular directions (median, cellulate of the first and the second groups). Along with the flat cellular cells, there are also decompound cellular-lobed shapes, they are more frequent in the chlorenchyma of Hordeum sativum, at Secale cereale awns, complication of cellular cells is mainly due to the increase in the number of sections.
Key words |
Poaceaе, festucoid grasses, cereals, anatomy, awn, chlorenchyma, cellular cells. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Structural Organization of Festucoid Grasses (Poaceaе) Awn Chlorenchyma |