Article |
Article name |
Contents of Storage and Biologically Active Substances in Vegetable Organs of Iris sibirica L. (Iridaceae) |
Authors |
Sedelnikova L.L.Doctor of Science (Biology), senior research scientist lusedelnikova@yandex.ruKukushkina T.A.Researcher |
Bibliographic description |
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581. 134.6:582.572.7(571.14) |
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Annotation |
A quantitative composition of storage and biologically active substances in vegetative organs of Iris sibirica was defined. Content of sugars, starch, saponins, ascorbic acid, pectins, protopectins, catechins in rhizomes and leaves of the given species in the forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia was studied during several vegetation periods. Six general components such as ascorbic acid, sugar, pectin, protopectin, catechins, saponins were found. Starch was discovered in rhizomes and flavonols were found in leaves. It has been established that the content of biologically active agents of vegetative bodies of I. sibirica depends on individual and seasonal development of species. There is ascorbic acid in aboveground organs which is 1.5–7 times higher than in underground ones; sugar is 2–4 times higher. The number of raw saponin increases in rhizomes of I. sibirica by autumn and the number of flavonols increases in leaves. With age, the amount of flavonoids in leaves increases. The content of starch in underground bodies changes during seasonal development with maximum significance (15–32 %) in the period of flowering, its content doubles in a warm temperate moist vegetation season. The sugar content of the rhizome depends on the moisture of the growing season: in temperate moist periods sugar content increases by autumn, and in dry periods it decreases, at the same time it increases in dry years compared with the summer content, but does not reach spring parameters.
Key words |
sugar, starch, saponins, ascorbic acid, flavonols, pectins, protopectins, catechins, leaf, rhizome, Iris sibirica, Western Siberia. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Contents of Storage and Biologically Active Substances in Vegetable Organs of Iris sibirica L. (Iridaceae) |