Article |
Article name |
Higher Education in the Context of “Soft Power” Approach in the System of International Relations |
Authors |
Grigoryan A.V.Postgraduate Student aramayis.grigoryan@yahoo.comGabrielyan A.A.Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Grigoryan A. V., Gabrielyan A. A. Higher Education in the Context of “Soft Power” Approach in the System of International Relations // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 14–24. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-14-24. |
Section |
10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-14-24 |
32, 37 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article considers the capabilities, the system of education in the context of the policy of “soft power”. The comparative analysis of the educational system as an instrument of soft power in the “Western” and “non-Western” world is implemented. Role and place of higher education and the educational process as a whole, in connection with the “soft power” is discussed. International education continues to gain recognition of governments and educational institutions as a major contribution to the “soft power”. The positive experience of the student exchange programs and the development of intelligent commercial and social relations at individual levels resonate with the modern concept of “soft power”, where the values, culture and ideas play an important role in determining the impact on the global level. The article provides an analysis of higher education in terms of “soft power” in Russia and Armenia. Not only a possibility of qualitative teaching of their own students, their intellectual development, moral enrichment, professional growth but also the perspectives of familiarizing the students from other countries with their own cultural-value system depend on the way the Institute of Education is built, which includes not only the very process of learning but also formal and informal procedures, traditions and practices, that accompany it. There is no doubt that the international higher education has changed dramatically over the past two decades. It is not only students and researchers, the subjects of a physical nature, which move across borders, it is also software providers, projects and policies in general. The range of higher education is characterized by joint international research projects, binational universities, multi-national networks in the field of education policy, global exchange programs, regional and international educational centers. In a closely interconnected and interdependent world, higher education is a channel for cross-border flow and exchange of people, knowledge, experience, values, innovations, economy, technology and culture.
Key words |
soft power, higher education, development, actor, experience |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Higher Education in the Context of “Soft Power” Approach in the System of International Relations |