Article |
Article name |
Comparative Examination of the Split-Level Indicators of Psychological Adaptation of People Living in Complicated (Deprivation of Liberty) and Usual Conditions of the Inhabitable Environment |
Authors |
Gvozdev V.A.graduate student |
Bibliographic description |
Gvozdev V. A. Comparative Examination of the Split-Level Indicators of Psychological Adaptation of People Living in Complicated (Deprivation of Liberty) and Usual Conditions of the Inhabitable Environment // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 92–97. |
Section |
159.9.07 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article provides the results of the comparative empirical examination of the psychological adaptation of imprisoned people and those living in ordinary conditions. Psychological adaptation is considered here as a consistent characteristic of the “human being – inhabitable environment” system. The structure of psychological adaption is thought to consist of psycho-physiological, psychological, and socio-psychological levels. Comparing the split-level adaptation indicators, we have defined the specific structure of the psychological adaptation of people living in deprivation of liberty. There have been indicated the differences of the indicators at all levels of psychological adaptation of imprisoned people and those living in ordinary conditions. For the psycho-physiological and psychological adaptation levels of people deprived of liberty we have discovered the decrease of the basic adaptation parameters. This decrease is characterized by the emotional imbalance and a consistent tendency of the intellectual development indicators to float to the lower bound of the norm. The emotional state of people living in ordinary conditions is characterized as more stable and balanced. The indicators of the intellectual development of most of them are within or above the norm. The socio-psychological level of the psychological adaptation of people deprived of liberty is marked by the rise of the adaptive parameters. It manifests in their tough attitude and a high level of their socio-psychological adaptation to the conditions of their inhabitable environment (deprivation of liberty). The rise of the parameters at this level shows mobilization of the psychological abilities of people deprived of liberty which are essential for survival in such complicated conditions.
Key words |
complicated conditions of inhabitable environment, deprivation of liberty, psychological adaptation, specific structure of adaptation |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Comparative Examination of the Split-Level Indicators of Psychological Adaptation of People Living in Complicated (Deprivation of Liberty) and Usual Conditions of the Inhabitable Environment |