Article |
Article name |
Children’s Health and its Saving as a Problem of Russian Society |
Authors |
Chayka L.N.Doctoral Candidate |
Bibliographic description |
Chayka L. N. Children’s Health and its Saving as a Problem of Russian Society // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 40–48. |
Section |
304.444 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The relevance of the theme chosen by the author is determined primarily by the fact that the issue of children’s health protection is important not only within a single family or personally significant public space, but on a nationwide scale as well. One of the key points of the article is that the health of younger generation is an important strategic resource of the country, since children’s health is the health of the nation in perspective. Socio-philosophical basis for social and state significance of the axiological attitude towards children’s health defines undeniable novelty of the study. Society and state attitude towards children’s health and the problem of its protection indicates cultural, social and economic development of the country. This position of the study is one of the most important and practice-oriented. Axiological and historical approaches used in the study are combined with the method of document analysis (Russian Federation Presidential Decree, Convention on the Rights of the Child, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, etc.) and allow us to make competent and well-founded conclusions. The theoretical basis of the research includes the works of Russian scholars and thinkers of the past (D. I. Pisarev, I. I. Mechnikov) and the present (D. I. Feldstein, I. S. Larionova, I. M. Usmanov, Yu. M. Khrustalev).
Key words |
children’s health protection, Russian society, child’s health (children’s health), value of health (value of children’s health), school age, childhood |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Children’s Health and its Saving as a Problem of Russian Society |