Article |
Article name |
On the Question of Methodology for Studying the Mongolian Festival Culture |
Authors |
Zagdaa Altankhuyag ..Postgraduate Student |
Bibliographic description |
Altankhuyag Zagdaa On the Question of Methodology for Studying the Mongolian Festival Culture // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 68–72. |
Section |
394.21 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to determination of methodology of research of the Mongolian festive culture. The set of attempts of determination of an orientation, functions and intrinsic content of a holiday and festive culture of the Mongolian people is noted. The author specifies a number of methodological difficulties and questions: lack of the commonly accepted determination of a holiday; variety of typologies and classifications of holidays which are based on different grounds; complexity of accurate differentiation of religious and national holidays. Features of determination of methods of studying of the Mongolian holidays come to light on the example of the analysis of history and modern aspects of a national holiday of Mongolia – Tsagan Sar. The author relies on researches of the famous Mongolian and Russian ethnographers, culturologists, historians in whose works genesis of one of the most important holidays of the Mongolian people, its communication with calendar system and ceremonialism, its structure and content, magic and game elements, its religious and ritual aspects are considered. In the article approaches to consideration of religious and ethnic content of Tsagan Sar, determination of features of synthesis of its cultural, social, economic and psychological components are analyzed. Influence of the Mongolian state policy, ideological installations, impact of broad globalization processes on modern existence of Tsagan Sar is determined.
Key words |
festive culture, religious holiday, Buddhism, national holiday, research methods, globalization |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | On the Question of Methodology for Studying the Mongolian Festival Culture |